Summer is over (phew), now it’s time for the Autumn colour show to begin.
Trees that blend into the background every other time of the year suddenly burst into fifty (safe) shades of scarlet, burgundy, orange and amber.
“What stunning trees”, you say to yourself as you drive past a kaleidoscope of Autumn wonder.
“I might get some of those for my garden…”
But then you’re back on the road and can’t remember anything much at all about those pretty trees, not even their colour.
Worry not, it’s a great time to start thinking about being an Autumn show-off again.
The Border and North East has a few different micro-climates to keep in mind, so choosing varieties that already grow like blazes here (like the ones out of the car window) is a wise move.
To help work out what these might be, Erin Powell from Tom and Erin’s Nursery at Beechworth has come up with a list of Top 10 trees that love Autumn on the Border.
1) Lipstick Maple (October Glory, Autumn Blaze)
2) Red Canadian Maple
3) Sugar Maple
4) Sensation Maple
5) Trident Maple
6) Japanese Maple (many varieties)
7) Oak (Scarlet, Red and Pin)
8) Claret and Golden Ash
9) Liquid Amber
10) Golden Elm
Ornamental Pears are also stunners that look great at other times of the year too (except when they lose their leaves in winter, like all deciduous trees, and look like sculptured sticks).
Varieties of ornamental pears to choose from include Manchurian, Bradford, Cleveland, Capital, Red Spire, Aristocrat and Burgundy Blaze.
“Although all of these varieties will grow in the North East, some of the hotter and drier areas suit some varieties more than others,” Erin said.
“For example the Sensation Maple, Ash, Elm and Ornamental Pear trees will cope better with the more harsh conditions.”
If you want to take advantage of bare-rooted discounts over winter, it is still worth taking a drive to a nursery or plant farm now to take note of what varieties and colour catch your eye.
For further information and advice about Autumn trees on the Border: