Local business operators and consumers are encouraged to give a ‘shout out’ and express a simple action of gratitude to support one another during tough trading conditions.
A #SayThankYou campaign is rolling out across social media platforms, driven by Albury Northside Chamber of Commerce.
General Manager Carrick Gill-Vallance says the campaign aims to recognise the effort businesses are putting in day-in, day-out.
“We want to diffuse some of the frustration that’s happening and bring some gratitude to the front of mind,” explained Carrick.

“Businesses are obviously doing it pretty tough and fighting a battle on many different fronts, but as a business chamber we’re launching this campaign to encourage locals to take a moment and really think about what you’re grateful for with the businesses that you deal with.
“If you can think of something specific to thank them for, make it public, share it on social media, share it with other people – or maybe shout a cup of coffee for somebody, or send them a cup cake, just something thoughtful to show your gratitude.”
It’s hoped this campaign will also promote opportunities for traders to engage with new businesses and make a concerted effort to stock local product or utilise local service providers.
“It’s all about bringing the focus back to people in the community who are fighting so hard to keep people employed, keep families in jobs and keep this economy going here,” Carrick said.
“It’s a tough battle, but we’re hoping this campaign will diffuse a little bit of that angst and frustration and just give us some time to mentally re-set.”
Details: https://business.facebook.com/AlburyNorthsideChamberofCommerce/