How to Dine & Discover

Dine & Discover Business Alert

If you’re a business in Albury and surrounds, here’s how to make the most of the NSW Dine and Discover vouchers.

Albury Business Connect General Manager Carrick Gill-Vallance says with several million dollars set to be spent in the region, it pays for businesses to register.

“As we know our region has been really hard done by with COVID and border closures, but there’s roughly $4 million bucks worth of money here (via Dine & Discover vouchers), so if you’re a business, that’s money that you can access by registering,” Carrick explained.

“As a consumer, they can plug in a postcode on the Service NSW website or app to find out what businesses are participating, but businesses need to register to be involved,” he said.

NSW residents who have registered to receive the Dine and Discover vouchers are already starting to redeem their vouchers for dining and entertainment. It’s an injection of income that should come as a welcome relief, especially to tourism, retail and hospitality industries.

“Every little bit helps, and that’s what we recognised through COVID and border closures, cash flow is key,” Carrick said.

“We’ve got businesses in the tourism and visitor economy who have by no means recovered from the hurt they’ve been experiencing, so for them to be accessing a share of that four million dollars is huge.

“We’re definitely putting pressure on the Government to provide extra assistance, but The Dine and Discover program is such a great shot in the arm and a great way to move ourselves into Autumn when things slow down a little bit to stimulate the economy again.”

For more information on how to register for Dine and Discover: